Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tiptree QOTD

Why are there talking animals in "Slow Music"?

Is Paul catfishing? Is Cavaná?

How much (in Butler, in Tiptree, in real life) are we programmed or limited by our bodies?

Is virtual reality an awesome escape, or a terrible temptation? What about space travel? Or science? Or science fiction? Or fiction?

Is the future Chicagoland of the Courier an alternate reality, or a delusion, or what? Do we care? Are we familiar with the similar structure of a Buffy episode?

How do we explain the slangy prose style and the implied reader and narrator in "The Girl Who Was Plugged In"?

How do you write, or think, like a talking exoplanet spider, or like anything else truly alien?

Why is Butler so interested in power and powerlessness?

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