Thursday, October 22, 2015

Gateway QOTDs

Song of the Gateway day.

What's up with the black hole at the end?

Why do black holes have Cherenkov radiation if they're in the vacuum of space?

Why all the interpolated documents and ads? It starts here.

Why dose Bob/ Robbie/ Robinette have a feminine name?

Why does Pohl have Klara believe in astrology?

Why all the gambling?

Why the odd narrative structure, which drains the novel of what would have been its suspense?

Are the Heechee still around?

Does Bob mean to save himself, or to save the others?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

John Crowley (including QOTDs)

We might go see The Martian. Consider seeing Ghost in the Shell this Saturday (late). Will somebody please see this big-budget sf movie too?

Everybody's favorite kind of cord.

Paradoxes and other fun aspects of time travel, also a symbol for sf itself (or maybe for fiction itself). Never-ending circles.

Stories that loop. Stories that frame other stories. Stories that are mirrors, in which you see yourself.

An interview with Crowley. And another. And another, with internal links.

Crowley has his own blog.

A quote-acrostic.

The Kool-Aid guy.

The Four Dead Men.

A classic Howard Johnson's motel.

A symbol of pilgrimage.

The original Avvenger.

The basis of Little Belaire's filing system. Some files.

A similar educational machine.

Another magic ball and glove.

One model for the head-shaped cabin in part IV.

Pretty widely accepted in the 1970s.

Its purpose is killing people.

Thinking about knots.

Inside the mind of Doctor Boots?

Insects in Lucite are art (or literature).

Time Life Books.

Literature is an afterlife.

Science fiction is heaven (or not).

Literature is circular, or at least closed, where life is not.

Or, the cycle of the seasons is closed, and predictable, whereas stories and literature are not.

A path where you might lose yourself.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tiptree QOTD

Why are there talking animals in "Slow Music"?

Is Paul catfishing? Is Cavaná?

How much (in Butler, in Tiptree, in real life) are we programmed or limited by our bodies?

Is virtual reality an awesome escape, or a terrible temptation? What about space travel? Or science? Or science fiction? Or fiction?

Is the future Chicagoland of the Courier an alternate reality, or a delusion, or what? Do we care? Are we familiar with the similar structure of a Buffy episode?

How do we explain the slangy prose style and the implied reader and narrator in "The Girl Who Was Plugged In"?

How do you write, or think, like a talking exoplanet spider, or like anything else truly alien?

Why is Butler so interested in power and powerlessness?

Thursday, October 1, 2015

QOTD: Firefly &c.

1.What's up with the amygdala? (See below.)

2. Is anything funny? What's funny?

3. Why is everyone chasing River and Simon? Why is anyone chasing Mal?

4. Is Mal a good leader? (See below.) Why doesn't he kill Jayne? Why does anybody put up with Jayne?

5. Is Sheckley anti-science? What's up with Pushing?

Academic work on Firefly, and on the Whedonverses generally.

HOUSEKEEPING STUFF: Your papers are due at 4pm in any form accepted by your TF; if that's a problem speak to us right away. Next QOTD's will come from Evan's section, Th 1pm.

