Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Jack London

The young London. An older London on his ranch. More ranch.

An early edition of The Scarlet Plague.

An earlier post-disaster fiction.

A real California disaster, from 1906.

These guys helped make London famous.

He wrote all sorts of other work, including other dystopia.

He came from around here.

Another name for red. Another kind of red.

The reformist impulse vs. the idea that biology is destiny.

From Sonoma State Univ. in California, a superb online resource for the study of Jack London.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Octavia Butler

Butler herself.

One analogy for Doro's "family."

Another happier reference point.

One kind of power.

Another kind of power.

Another kind of power. Are they the same?

Is all power like this?

Butler's best-known novel.

Growing a pattern with no clear center.

A famous bald French guy who thought profoundly about power.

Schools for someone's protection.

Earlier work in this subgenre, some of it rather successful.

Botfly life cycle diagram.

Botfly emergence from human host. Too repellent to show in lecture, though.

Less repellent, but still not exactly a turn-on.

Another topic for "Bloodchild."

Another topic for "Bloodchild."

Another topic for "Bloodchild"?

Butler's official posthumous site.

