Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Philip K. Dick: QOTD + Extrapolation Reactions

Futures with telepaths: this or this or this.

Futures with no pregnancy: this; not this??

Futures with corn: apparently, this!


1. What??

2. Who's dead? What happened?

3. Why would you want to disorient your reader or leave a major plot point unresolved?

4.What was up with cryogenics and corpse-preservation in the years that Dick wrote? (A lot, though it didn't include Disney's head.)

4.5 Why so much about these?

5. Why are there telepaths when the plot revolves around cryogenic stasis?

5.5 (w/ ref to Dick and to Asimov) Why not more of this?

6. Why involve Pat? isn't she dangerous? Is she a clichéd femme fatale?

7. Is UBIK (the substance, not the novel) a religion?

8.Is this guy on drugs?

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