Monday, November 30, 2015

Greg Egan; Ted Chiang (1)

Greg Egan's author site.

The full text of Egan's novella "Oceanic."

World-building at one scale. And at another.

Philip K. Dick's lecture: "How to Build a Universe..."

An earlier, much-noted work with a gendered novum.

SF as experiment.

Sex and gender can change.

Famous people named Martin. Famous people named Daniel.

Not quite, but not unrelated to, the beliefs on Covenant.

Diving right in.

Not this kind of bridge.

The argument from design.

Faith isn't an argument.

Is it a chemical?

Review: the science-fictional triangle whose points are explanation, and wonder and warnings about the unknowable or unknown.

Review: sf as experiment, real world and realist fiction as controls.

Review: the novum. Novums within novums.

Review: the idea of genres and subgenres, which branch out over time.

One particularly reflexive subgenre.

Review: sf asks about historical change.

SF also asks about an afterlife.

A new story, "The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling," by Ted Chiang.

"Liking What You See" helped inspire influential YA SF.

"Story of Your Life" is somehow becoming a Hollywood movie.

An interview with Chiang.

Louise is a reader.

Fiction as face.

Fiction as mirror.

People who misunderstood Hopi.

Nietzschean Eternal Return.

Ideas about characters.

Narrative usually works like that. Real life works like that.

What if we could see our lives like that?

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