Saturday, September 21, 2019

Frederik Pohl's Gateway

A massive, but non-academic, list of Pohl's works, and a recent interview.

The first three chapters of Pohl's memoir, The Way the Future Was.

Gateway, the spinoff video game.

Reacting against the Campbell ethos.

A lot of Galaxy magazine.

Everything we know about the Heechee.

We may have a sense of wonder, but that's not why people really take risks.

An old-time old-time prospector.

What you don't see in Gateway.

The role of chance in American life. The really big role of chance in American life.

One analogy for the Gateway asteroid.

Another analogy for the Gateway asteroid.

Another analogy for the Gateway asteroid.

Pohl can't believe in him. Does Pohl believe him instead?

A real psychoanalyst from the late 1960s.

Computer simulation of light and motion around a black hole. (How to weigh a black hole.)

Another (groan) plot-relevant black hole.

A sequel. Another sequel. And another.

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